Pet Adoption: Why Adopting from a Shelter is a Better Choice than Buying from a Breeder

Pet adoption is a rewarding experience that allows individuals to bring a new companion into their life. However, some people are torn between adopting from a breeder or adopting from a homeless shelter. 

This article will explore the differences between breeders and shelters and the benefits of adopting from a shelter rather than a breeder.

Breeders vs. Adopting

When deciding whether to adopt from a shelter or purchase a pet from a breeder, it is essential to consider the source of the animal. 

Breeders are individuals or businesses that breed specific types of animals, to produce offspring that meet certain standards. They may sell these animals to pet stores, online, or directly to interested individuals.

While breeders can provide healthy and well-cared-for animals, they are not without their flaws. Some breeders prioritize profits over the health and well-being of their animals, leading to overcrowded and unsanitary living conditions. 

Additionally, breeding animals can lead to overpopulation, which can ultimately lead to animals being surrendered to shelters or euthanized.

In contrast, adopting from a shelter provides a second chance to animals that may have been abandoned or surrendered by their previous owners. 

These animals are often screened for health issues, and the adoption process may include vaccinations, spaying or neutering, and other medical treatments. Adopting from a shelter can also help reduce the number of animals that are euthanized due to overcrowding or lack of resources.

Euthanization vs. Adoption

One of the main reasons to adopt from a shelter rather than purchase from a breeder is the issue of euthanization. 

According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter animal shelters each year in the United States, and of those, approximately 1.5 million are euthanized. 

While this number has decreased over the years, there are still millions of animals that are put down each year due to a lack of space or resources in shelters. Adopting from a shelter not only saves the life of the animal being adopted but also helps to create space for more animals in need of homes.

Breeder vs. Homeless Shelters

Another important factor to consider when deciding between a breeder and a homeless shelter is the cost. 

While breeders may charge thousands of dollars for a purebred animal, shelters typically charge a lower adoption fee that covers the cost of veterinary care, vaccinations, and other necessary treatments.

Additionally, adopting from a shelter can provide a wider variety of animals to choose from. While breeders may specialize in specific breeds, shelters may have a mix of breeds and ages, allowing individuals to find the perfect fit for their lifestyle and personality.  

Adopting from a shelter can provide an opportunity to educate others about the importance of animal welfare and the benefits of adopting rather than purchasing from a breeder. By adopting a homeless animal, individuals are not only providing a home for a deserving animal but also contributing to the larger goal of reducing the number of animals that are euthanized each year.

If you do decide to adopt from a shelter, there are several steps you can take to ensure a successful adoption process. First, research local shelters and find one that aligns with your values and priorities. Visit the shelter and spend time with the animals to find the right fit for your lifestyle and personality.  

Once you have found a potential pet, ask the shelter staff about the animal’s history, temperament, and any medical or behavioral issues that may require attention. Be prepared to provide proof of identity and residence, as well as payment for the adoption fee.

In addition, make sure you have the necessary supplies and resources to provide a safe and comfortable home for your new pet. 

This may include food and water bowls, a bed, toys, and a crate or carrier. Consider enrolling in training classes to help your new pet adjust to its new home and to address any behavior issues that may arise.  

In conclusion, while breeders can provide well-cared-for animals, there are numerous reasons to consider adopting from a homeless shelter. The decision to adopt from a shelter or purchase from a breeder ultimately comes down to personal preference and individual circumstances. 

However, it is important to consider the ethical and moral implications of purchasing from a breeder, especially when there are so many animals in need of homes in shelters across the country.

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